This blog is for literally everyone. I share what is going on in my daily life, I talk about my opinions on the world, and I share pictures and videos and things for your entertainment. Sorry if I am boring (I may or may not be extremely boring and awkward) but if you don't like me, feel free to leave at any time. But just know, I will find all the haters and trolls, kidnap you, lock you in my basement, then blend you in a blender until a liquid has been reached and then sell you to the public as "Haterade." Thanks guys ^_^

Friday, April 5, 2013

blech... 4-5-13

You'll all be happy to know that I'm updating my fan fiction TONITE! doesn't matter HOW LONG I need to stay up to finish it, I will finish it TONITE! is it normal for your ears to feel hot, and you to feel dizzy? didn't think so

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