This blog is for literally everyone. I share what is going on in my daily life, I talk about my opinions on the world, and I share pictures and videos and things for your entertainment. Sorry if I am boring (I may or may not be extremely boring and awkward) but if you don't like me, feel free to leave at any time. But just know, I will find all the haters and trolls, kidnap you, lock you in my basement, then blend you in a blender until a liquid has been reached and then sell you to the public as "Haterade." Thanks guys ^_^

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Legit Best Day 2-2-14

Apparently, I'm one of the best kissers he's ever kissed, I give the best handjobs (with no practice btw: first timer over here), and I'm sexy as fuck without even trying. Let's just say yesterday was a fun day and I got to smile and cuddle and kiss and touch and feel and smell and grab and lick and bite and talk and be myself all in one day. It was actually the best day of my life.

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